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Patriots Paint BACK THE BLUE Mural Outside Police Headquarters In Tampa!


Now here's a street mural I can support!


Yeah, how about we support the courageous men and women who put their lives on the line for us every single day!

Imagine going to work and never knowing if you were going to come home for sure at the end of the day.

That's what the police do each day.

So I'll gladly support them instead of rioting and thieving anarchist punks who are dead set on bringing death and destruction to America!

Easy choice.

Take a look at the mural:

Now....what does the MSM have to say about it?

All they can say is "there was no permit!"

Are you kidding me?


And from local WFLA:

The group responsible for painting a “Back the Blue” mural in Tampa over the weekend to show support for the police did not have proper permits, according to a spokesperson for the City of Tampa.

The mural is located in downtown Tampa on Madison Street next to the Tampa Police Department. It was painted by a group called Back the Blue Florida, according to the spokesperson for the city and Mayor Jane Castor.

The blue, white and black display reads “Back the Blue” and features a black and blue ribbon. “Back the Blue” is a message in support of law enforcement.

The messages “Back the Blue” and “Blue Lives Matter” have been used frequently in response to recent calls to defund the police and to the “Black Lives Matter” movement in the United States. The movement has been around for years but recently gained momentum in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic due to the death of George Floyd in police custody.

And from the Tampa Bay Times:

The city’s newest public art project appeared over the weekend outside Tampa Police Department headquarters after organizers worked for weeks to get approval from the city for a “Back the Blue” pro-police mural.

The city didn’t approve it, but organizers armed with paint and orange cones created the mural anyway.

Kristen Krutz, one of the organizers, helped spearhead the project along with others from Back the Blue Florida, an online community with more than 5,000 members. She said the mural is meant to show law enforcement personnel that they have support.

“They’re being defunded and things that they need and require to do their job are not going to be provided anymore,” said Krutz, 36. “Obviously, that would make anybody feel unappreciated, unwanted, and that’s the opposite of what we wanted them to see with the mural on the street.”

At Tampa City Council meetings, people have called on officials to defund the Tampa Police Department, but Mayor Jane Castor has said she’s not on board with the idea.

Krutz and about 40 other people painted the mural Saturday evening in the middle of East Madison Street. The mural spans the block and is painted with the black, white and blue colors of the pro-police “thin blue line” flag.

Without obtaining a permit, Krutz said, they used orange cones and their personal vehicles to block the road while they worked.

“The reason why we decided to proceed without a permit is because Black Lives Matter has murals all over the city that say Black Lives Matter, and they were not permitted,” Krutz said.

Krutz said she filed a records request with the city for permits issued for Black Lives Matter murals and was told none were issued. City of Tampa spokesperson Ashley Bauman said the murals were approved as part of the city’s Art on the Block day.

Bauman said the Back the Blue mural was in the process of approval. In a statement to the Tampa Bay Times Monday, Mayor Castor — who has served as Tampa police chief — said any tribute to honor law enforcement’s service is welcome.

“It’s unfortunate they didn’t see the permitting process through so that our community could participate in showing their appreciation for the brave men and women that service our residents every day,” Castor said.


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