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Pastor Jeremiah Johnson and His Three Visions About Joe Biden


You may not know Pastor/Prophet Jeremiah Johnson, but I have been following him for a while and have always been blown away by what he posts.  

I recently saw this one and knew I had to share it with you all.

I like to post these when they originally come out so we can all look back in the future and see what came to pass.

Take a look:

If you're having trouble reading that, here it is again here:


Prophetic Dream Received April 14, 2020

On Tuesday night, I went to sleep and had a dream where I found myself walking into a hospice. I was unaware who I was there to see but proceeded into a large bedroom. Upon entering, I immediately noticed a large sign above the bed that read, 1 Kings 1:1-2 which says, “Now King David was old, advanced in age; and they covered him with clothes, but he could not keep warm. So his servants said to him, “Let them seek a young virgin for my lord the king, and let her attend the king and become his nurse; and let her lie in your bosom, that my lord the king may keep warm.”

Perplexed as to why this verse was in this bedroom, I looked down on the bed and there was Joe Biden, shivering and frail as if he was very cold. I asked God, “What is the meaning of this and He responded back to me and said, “The man before you is not a threat, but it will be those who are overseeing and managing him while he is frail and elderly that will be a challenge. For he is a mere puppet, a decoy of sorts to distract many from what is really taking place behind the scenes. Keep your eyes on the woman who they will place beside Joe for she will seek to reinvigorate and seduce many.” 

As I heard these words, I sat down on a chair that was beside Joe’s bed and noticed he was watching television. I glanced up and was startled by three colorful and distinct pictures that flashed on the screen. Each of the pictures turned into visions and were full of life. 

The first vision that popped on the screen was Donald Trump at a news conference. He raised a bottle in the air and the crowd went wild. It had “hydroxychloroquine” written upon it. While the crowd went wild, it infuriated the news reporters present and they were visibly angry. 

The second vision that popped on the screen was Bill Gates. He was seated before a court hearing concerning, “crimes against humanity”. Testifying against him was a man of African descent. There was lots of shouting and yelling going on in the courtroom. Suddenly two men burst into the trial to save Bill Gates and rescue him from the hearing. One man had a t-shirt on with the flag of Canada and the other man had a t-shirt on with the flag of China. 

The final vision that flashed on the screen was of a young woman named Candace Owens. She had an American flag draped around her and the jawbone of a donkey in her hand. She made an appearance at a press conference that I found intriguing because the setting was in a jungle. I heard the voice of God say, “This one will not fit into parties or affiliations for she has been branded for the grassroots.” 

Then I woke up. 

-Jeremiah Johnson

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