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Greg Gutfeld Shreds Dem’s Behavior at Barr Hearing as “Infantile” and “Disrespectful”

'The Five' discussed the democrat's behavior during the William Barr hearing. Greg Gutfeld calls the democrats "infantile" and "disrespectful."


‘The Five’ discussed the behavior of the democrats during the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing with Attorney General William Barr.

Greg Gutfeld was vocal about how disgusted he was with how they acted.

Gutfeld called the democrat’s behavior “infantile” and “disgraceful.”

Anyone who was paying attention would agree with that sentiment. 

The democrats acted like petulant children and they deserve all the criticizm they are currently recieving. 

The Washington Examiner has the story:

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld slammed Democrats over their performance in a Tuesday hearing featuring Attorney General William Barr, calling it the worst thing he has ever seen on television.

“First of all, after that — that was the worst thing I have ever seen on TV, and I include ‘Morning Joe,'” Gutfeld said. “After that fiasco, we have to reclaim our time for America.”

Gutfeld was referring to the many times Barr was interrupted by Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee, who often used the phrase “reclaiming my time.”

The Greg Gutfeld Show and The Five host then connected the Democrat interruptions to the violent mobs in Seattle and Portland.

“It creates a one-way street in which you could actually accuse somebody of murder, you could accuse them of treason, and then, you deny them the opportunity to defend themselves. Meanwhile, this is the party of compassion? I saw nothing but fascists. These guys — no wonder they think the mob, the mob in Portland and Seattle, is not a bad thing. The mob is just their street team,” Gutfeld added.

Gutfeld also praised Barr’s composure during the hearing and compared him to a “calm gorilla swatting these stupid flies off his nose.”

“Three police officers permanently blinded, and Bill Barr has to sit there like a calm gorilla swatting these stupid flies off his nose calmly because they’re so stupid.” Gutfeld continued. “I’ve got to ask: How could anybody in America put up with this? If I was sitting where Barr was, I don’t know what I would do. They have to pump me full of Xanax — either that or they would have to put me in a cage, like Silence of the Lambs, have something stuffed in my mouth, and hung upside down because I would lose my mind. I honestly have never seen anything more disgusting on TV. I thought the Kavanaugh hearing was an injustice. This is pretty damn close.”

Gutfeld and 'The Five' are far from the only ones who feel the democrats made fools of themselves.

Senator Tim Scott also called the hearing 'embarrassing' for democrats.

Fox News reports:

The United States has the “right attorney general at the right time,” referring to William Barr’s testimony at the House Judiciary Committee yesterday, Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., said on Wednesday.

“AG Barr was undeniably powerful. They were afraid of his questions. Frankly, the Democrats were filibustering the answers to their own questions. That is obvious. It was amazing to watch,” Scott told “Fox & Friends.”

Barr clashed with Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday over accusations that he is carrying out President Trump's political wishes, as he appeared for a long-awaited hearing where tensions also flared over protests and riots following George Floyd's death in police custody.

The hearing, originally scheduled for 10 a.m. local time, was delayed after committee chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., was in a car accident. Nadler did not suffer any injuries, and the hearing went into the mid-afternoon.

Once the hearing began, Nadler did not hesitate to express his scorn for Barr and his Justice Department.

"Thank you for being here, Mr. Barr,” Nadler said with a note of sarcasm, pointing out that this was the attorney general’s first time appearing before the committee.

The chairman went on to claim that Barr and his department have "downplayed the effects of systemic racism" in the wake of Floyd's death and ongoing protests

Addressing the department's approach to cases related to the Russia probe, Nadler summed up the DOJ's attitude by claiming that "the president’s enemies will be punished, his friends will be protected," no matter the cost, and saying that the DOJ's actions have caused "real damage to our democratic norms."

"In your time at the department, you have aided and abetted the worst failings of the president," Nadler said.

Scott said that Barr’s hearing was “embarrassing” for Democrats. Scott also described the event as “chaos and troubling.”

There's a general consensus that this whole hearing was nothing more than a sham, an excuse for democrats to yell at the Attorney General like the petulant children that they are.

Here's the full video of 'The Five' discussing the hearing.


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