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Diamond & Silk: “Mayor Lightfoot Needs To Resign!”

The Pro-MAGA personalities call for the Chicago Mayor's resignation after another night of shooting violence in the city.


Pro MAGA sisters, Diamond & Silk have been staunch supporters of the President for many years. 

They are prominent African-American voices against the mob of the Left. 

Now they are taking aim at inept mayors like Chicago's Lori Lightfoot. 

This tweet comes after a night where at least 14 people were shot in a single incident outside a funeral for a different shooting victim. 

From Breitbart:

At least 14 people are injured following a mass shooting outside of a funeral home in Chicago in yet another act of violence that has been plaguing the city. The incident coincides with  Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) publicly rejecting President Trump’s assistance.

Chicago Police First Deputy Supt. Eric Carter confirmed that at least 14 were wounded in Chicago Tuesday evening after suspects in a black vehicle fired at a crowd outside of a funeral home in the city’s Gresham neighborhood:

Chicago Police First Deputy Supt. Eric Carter said a black vehicle was heading west on 79th Street at 6:30 p.m., when people inside began firing at attendees of a funeral. The funeral was taking place at a funeral home at 1018 W. 79th St.

The attendees of the funeral began firing back at the vehicle, which turned north on Carpenter Street and kept firing at people from the funeral before crashing midway down the block.

The occupants got out and fled in multiple directions, Carter said.

The victims’ conditions were not immediately known, although there are reports of several victims in critical condition."

This occurred just hours after Lightfoot rejected and insulted the Trump Administrations offer to help:

Diamond & Silk know that the empty rhetoric of Pols like Lightfoot are only making the violence in places like Chicago worse. 

Real people's lives are being destroyed or snuffed out because she wants to play politics with the President and appeal to insane Mob rule. 

Maybe now she will be forced to listen. 


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