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Statue Of Jesus Beheaded In Florida

The destruction of the religious symbol is just the latest in a string of anti-religious destruction being perpetrated in the country.


We have all witnessed over the last couple of months that there is a broad effort being made by part of our country to "cancel" American History & Culture. 

Once they moved past Confederates, they went for Washington and Lincoln. 

Once they saw that they could attack our greatest Patiots they moved toward our faith. 

There have been multiple religious icons that have been targeted and most recently a church in Florida reports that their statue of Jesus was beheaded by vandals. 

From ABC:

Someone beheaded a statue of Jesus Christ in the courtyard of a South Florida church, an act of vandalism now being investigated by the Miami-Dade police and the Department of Homeland Security.

The statue was destroyed between Tuesday night and Wednesday in the courtyard of the Good Shepherd Catholic Church in West Kendall.

“This is an attack on the church,” Mary Ross Agosta, a spokeswoman for the Archdiocese of Miami, told the Miami Herald. “This is not only private property, it is sacred property.”

The statue's head was found on the ground just before 8 a.m. on Wednesday, she said.

“This is not something you can trip over and say, ‘Oh, sorry,’ ” she said. “Someone did this intentionally.”

And from Newsweek:

Astatue of Jesus Christ has been ripped from its plinth, and decapitated at the Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Miami, Florida, on Wednesday. Police are investigating the incident.

"We have seen this happening all over the country," said Deacon Edivaldo da Saliva to Local 10 News.

"This morning I found it on the ground, and we presume that it is vandalism.

Worshippers and police in West Kendall, Miami-Dade County, are now wondering who would commit this act of vandalism on a church. The Archdiocese of Miami is calling for this incident to be investigated as a hate crime. "Investigate this desecration as a hate crime," said a spokesperson.

"This incident has saddened the parish community," Good Shepherd said in a statement to Fox News. "We totally condemn this action. We invite our community to pray for peace."

The Catholic Church says it has seen a growing number of its sites vandalized across the U.S. "This is another attack on the Catholic Church which is happening across the country," said the spokesperson for The Archdiocese of Miami."

Unfortunately this incident isn't just some shocking, egregious, one-off event, but rather appears to be a trend growing in this country. 

Like statues of the Virgin Mary which have most recently been vandalized in New York City:

And Boston:

While our government maintains a separation of Church & State, anyone familiar with the history of our country knows that faith has always been a foundational element of American Life. 

American society has always been enrichened by the deep faith of its people. 

By attacking our most popular religion, anarchists and presumably Leftists, are going for a kill shot and a basis to destroy the religious life of all worshippers, regardless of faith. 


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