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Classic Video: Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Calls Out Don Lemon By His Own 2013 Words

Tucker Carlson called out Don Lemon some hypocritical comments he made 7 years ago.


Tucker Carlson just dropped an absolute truth bomb on CNN’s Don Lemon.

On Wednesday, Tucker Carlson called Lemon out for his hypocrisy on the Black Lives Matter movement by showing video comments from Lemon on CNN 7 years ago.

In the video, Tucker points out how Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo mocked Republican concern for the chaos months ago.

He then pointed to Lemon's interview with Terry Crews earlier this week where Lemon dismissed the idea that BLM has any concern about black on black murder, and told Crews that he should "start his own movement."

The real juicy part of the video is the 7-year-old clip of Lemon calling for African Americans to take responsibility for their actions.

The reaction from Twitter has been staggering.

One Twitter user correctly pointed out that it wasn't even really Carlson who took down Lemon.  

It was Lemon himself..

While Lemon and CNN continue to push their agenda, they should probably remember that everything they say is documented.


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