Here’s another news story the mainstream media won’t cover.
Republican Chris Jacobs appears to have just won a special election and NY-27 Republican primary is a MASSIVE blowout.
However, the victory has NOT been confirmed.
Democrat Nate McMurray is refusing to concede and is begging for mail-in absentee ballots to be counted.
Mail-in ballot counting will not begin until July 1.
However, in order to catch up to Chris Jacobs, McMurray would have to win a vast majority of mail-in ballots.
How big was the blow out?
Republican Chris Jacobs received 68.7 percent of the vote compared to Democrat Nate McMurray, who received 29.5 percent of the vote.
Results from the New York Times:

Democrats keep gloating that the landscape is not favorable towards Donald Trump.
However, early indicators continue to suggest that the silent majority is eagerly gearing up to cast their vote to re-elect the 45th president of the United States.
While Republicans have declared victory in New York, the Democrats have not conceded the race.
They want mail-in ballots to be counted, starting July 1, a week from today.
President Trump has been warning about the risk of voter fraud with vote-by-mail initiatives.
Rochester First reports that it's mathematically "impossible" for McMurray to catch-up, even with absentee ballots:
Although absentee ballots won’t begin to be calculated for another week at the earliest, Republican Chris Jacobs declared victory over Democrat Nate McMurray in the NY-27 congressional special election.
“It’s mathematically impossible for him [McMurray] to catch up to us with the absentees, and so we are happy to say, we are announcing that we are victorious in the special election,” Jacobs told his supporters late Tuesday night.
Jacobs added that he hopes McMurray is “honest with himself” and doesn’t wait to concede.
At last count around midnight, Jacobs was leading the field with 69% of the vote while McMurray trailed with 29% of the vote. However, these tallies aren’t the full picture as thousands of absentee ballots won’t begin to be calculated until June 30.
McMurray released a statement shortly after midnight saying that he would not be conceding until the absentee ballots were counted:
“How can you declare victory before the ballots are counted?” McMurray said in a statement. “There are more ballots still out there, uncounted, than people that voted in-person today. As we have always said, we will fight for every single vote. Chris always wanted to be crowned. The coronation will have to wait. They had to bring the whole Trump family into this to help drag him across the finish line. He can peacock. We will talk in two weeks.”
Due to the pandemic, there has been an increase in absentee ballots in Western New York.
As of now, there has been no "official" winner declared.
However, anyone watching the race objectively understands that it will be statically impossible for Democrat McMurray to catch-up with Jacobs.
Below is a tweet from McMurray pleading for the mail-in ballots to be counted before declaring an official winner.
While Democrats are refusing to concede the race, at least one major media outlet has called it for Republican Chris Jacobs.
The Hill has declared Jacobs the apparent winner of the special election:
State senator Chris Jacobs won the special election in New York to fill the remainder of former Rep. Chris Collins's (R) term, defeating Democrat Nate McMurray.
Jacobs, a state Senator, won the special election with 69 percent of the vote, according to the Associated Press, prevailing over McMurray, who garnered 29.5 percent with 99 percent of precincts reporting.
Jacobs also separately won the Republican primary to determine the November nominee for the same seat, which took place on Tuesday as well, setting up the prospect he could then earn his first full House term in the heavily Republican district.
Jacobs was endorsed by President Trump earlier this month.
While it's true that 8,000 more Democrats than Republicans voted via absentee mail-in ballots, Jacobs leads McMurray by approximately 33,000 votes.
Unless every Republican who voted via mail also voted for McMurray, it's mathematically impossible for him to catch up to Jacobs, the apparent winner of the race.
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