Talk about hitting it out of the park!
Longtime readers of WeLoveTrump know that I am fascinated by prophets.
I don't believe they suddenly stopped existing as of the Old Testament.
I belive they continue today, the office of the Prophet.
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I believe God speaks through certain people here on the Earth today.
And John Paul Jackson seems to be one of those people.
I'm not usually too interested in what Prophets say will happen in the future unless I see their track record in the past, and you don't get much better than this.
From 2012, he spoke many things that probably seemed IMPOSSIBLE at the time, like:
The NFL cancelling it's season….
Food riots…
Martial law….
American cities subject to curfews all across the country….
A pandemic….
And you gotta love this, he presented it all in the form of "rippped from the headlines" of newspapers because he says that's how God shows it to him.
If you're like me and interested in these kinds of things, and you'd like to see what ELSE he said, then please enjoy this short 20:00 video:
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