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Professor Helmut Norpoth, Who Predicted 2016 Victory, Predicts Trump Has 91% Chance of Winning Re-Election


Donald Trump was the underdog in 2016, yet he CRUSHED Hillary Clinton in the electoral college.

Now, while many Democrats may believe that Biden will beat Trump in November, Professor Helmut Norpoth suggests that that is a false sense of security.

Professor Norpoth correctly predicted the 2016 presidential election, even as the polls appeared to suggest that Trump would lose to Hillary Clinton.

Norpoth, a political science professor who went viral for his TED Talk "How to Predict Elections," gives President Trump a 91% chance of being reelected.


We love those odds!

Specifically, Norpoth predicts that Trump will receive 362 electoral votes.

Only 270 is needed to win the White House.

See this clip from 2016 where Norpoth predicted Trump would defeat Hillary even though many national polls suggested the exact opposite.



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