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Washington Governor Jay Inslee Says Trump Urging “Insubordination” and “Illegal Activity”


The failed Democrat presidential candidate and governor of Washington, Jay Inslee says President Trump is inspiring “insubordination” and “illegal activity.”

He is referring to, of course, the President’s criticism of some of the extreme measures taken by Governor Whitmer in Michigan. Residents became so fed up with her orders that tens of thousands marched on the state capital to protest the governor.

Now, Inslee faces the same problem in Washington. Thousands on the west side of the state are particularly protesting the governor’s ban on fishing, noting that fishing outdoors is very unlikely to transmit the coronavirus.

Maybe governors should focus on listening to those they represent in order to avoid protest?

Fox News has the latest news on Inslee’s comments:

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee on Sunday criticized President Trump for tweeting out his support last week for demonstrators protesting their states’ stay-at-home orders – calling it “schizophrenia” after the White House released specific guidelines for states to re-open as the country battles the coronavirus pandemic.

Both the president’s tweet and Inslee’s comments come after numerous states last week saw protests against the stay-at-home orders that governors have issued to slow the spread of COVID-19. While the lockdown measures appear to be working in most areas, many people are concerned about the economic impact the pandemic is taking on their wallets and on the country’s economy.

Inslee said the president’s support on social media for the protesters is both putting people’s lives at risk and encouraging them to do an “illegal activity” by gathering in large groups.

“I can’t remember any time during my lifetime in America where we have seen such a thing,” Inslee said during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week.” “And it is dangerous because it can inspire people to ignore things that actually can save their lives.”

Inslee continued: “It is doubly frustrating to us governors because this is such a schizophrenia, because the president basically is asking people, ‘please ignore Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, please ignore my own guidelines that I set forth.’”

Here are some of the reactions on Twitter to Inslee:



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