Did you miss him?
I sure didn’t, but he’s baaaaack!
Former President Barack Hussein Obama is back on the national scene just in time to start pushing for “vote by mail”.
He Tweeted:
No one should be forced to choose between their right to vote and their right to stay healthy like the debacle in Wisconsin this week.
Everyone should have the right to vote safely, and we have the power to make that happen. This shouldn’t be a partisan issue.
Take a look:
President Trump is famously very opposed to "vote by mail".
His Tweet:
So, what are the differences between "vote by mail" and absentee voting?
According to WFTV:
To vote absentee, a voter in 16 states has to apply and be approved if they are eligible to make their votes by mail-in ballot, giving reasons like age, being disabled or not being in the country on the stated Election Day, USA Today reported.
Five states hold universal mail-in elections, where all registered voters are mailed ballots, but can still opt to visit a polling place in person. Three other states have about two-thirds of votes being cast being done so via mail, according to USA Today.
Here's more, from CBS:
President Trump expressed disdain for mail-in ballots Tuesday night, despite the fact that many states are urging voters to vote by mail to avoid the spread of COVID-19.
"The mailed ballots are corrupt, in my opinion. And they collect them, and they get people to go in and sign them, and then they're forgeries in many occasions. It's a horrible thing," Mr. Trump said at the task force briefing.
The president also discussed Wisconsin, which is holding its primary election today. It's the only state that is holding in-person voting this month, despite "stay-home" guidance from Governor Tony Evers. Mr. Trump was asked about the possibility that people might get sick after standing in long lines for hours to vote in Wisconsin. He blamed Democrats, claiming that Wisconsin Democrats tried to delay the primary date for the state only after he had endorsed a judicial candidate in Tuesday's election.
"As soon as I endorsed him, they wanted to move the election," Mr. Trump said.
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, a Democrat, tried to move the date of the primary to June and extend absentee voting, citing concern for the safety of voters amid the pandemic. Republicans in the legislature blocked him with state and federal lawsuits. Both the U.S. and state supreme courts weighed in, denying the extension of absentee voting and stopping Evers from moving the primary date.
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