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OneAmerica, another Leftist 501c dividing America with Racism?

OneAmerica 501(c) agenda is not about the American melting pot, it’s about separation into tribes to sow division, gain power and push a greater agenda.


OneAmerica is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization advocating for immigrant and refugee communities. OneAmerica envisions a peaceful world where every person’s human rights and dignity are respected, where communities appreciate differences and stand together for justice and equality, and where each person contributes to the common good. Sounds okay, but is this all they are doing?

OneAmerica is principally based in the Pacific Northwest in Seattle Washington. But they are affiliated with other groups and places – see here one. Their budget is near $3.5m run by Rich Stolz, their Executive Director. They do have a list of individual donors, but it is only 12% of their budget. About 55% comes from foundations and corporate donors. The rest, 33%, comes from you, the taxpayer. Here are some donors of note:

  • Amnesty International
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Satterberg Foundation
  • Coca Cola
  • Consulate of Mexico (foreign money?)
  • Kellogg Foundation
  • Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc.
  • Service Employees International Union
  • Teamsters Local Union
  • United Auto Workers
  • United Food and Commercial Workers Internationa
  • University of Washington
  • US Climate Action Network
  • Verizon

Rich Stolz, is no stranger in the halls of power. He attended a meeting with President Obama, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) business and faith leaders in the Roosevelt Room to discuss the importance of taking action to pass commonsense immigration reform. President Obama also expressed deep concern about the pain too many families feel from the separation that comes from our broken immigration system. He noted that the Secretary of Homeland Security is reviewing its current practices to see how it can conduct enforcement more humanely within the confines of the law. I thought it was only Trump that was separating families. On OneAmerica’s “What we Believe” web page it says:

  • Ensuring equal access to power and opportunity, supporting and defending the rights of all people, and eliminating discrimination and oppression. We work for justice for people of every race (oh really?), religion, language, immigration status, and sexual orientation.
  • Listening to, acknowledging, and valuing multiple perspectives and positions (oh really?), and fostering understanding and empathy through dialogue.
  • OneAmerica® was founded immediately after September 11, 2001, to address the backlash, hate crimes, and discrimination against immigrant communities of color, primarily Muslims, Arab Americans, East Africans, and South Asians.
  • Adhering to our mission, vision, and values in an approachable, inclusive, and transparent way. See here as OneAmerica teams up with domestic Marxist terrorists Antifa members to be quite non-inclusive – click here.
  • Check out the staff at OneAmerica and play a little “Where’s Waldo.” Do you see anything conspicuously missing?

We read through the 2018 annual report of OneAmerica and looked a bit at their website – Here are some choices phrases that stood out:

  • … to elect candidates of color across Washington State. Only candidates by race?
  • … Trump Administration to reunite families separated by the Muslim travel ban.
    This is a blatant lie. It only affected similar countries as the Obama policies,  was only for a brief time and represented only 12% of the world’s population – click here.
  • … protect the well-being of communities of color and fight climate change. Only communities of color? Let’s not even get into climate change, though part of the total Marxist agenda.
  • … preserving our families’ home culture! It is not about integrating into an American culture.

So the agenda is clear, it is not about the American melting pot, it’s about separation into tribes to sow division, gain power and push a greater agenda. The communities OneAmerica servers are pawns to be exploited. Remember this quote?

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”Martin Luther King, Jr.

For OneAmerica nothing further could be from their values. Let’s look at the dictionary definition of racism:

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Racism – from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition:

  • noun: The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
  • noun: Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

OneAmerica seems to judge everything they do by the color of skin and national origin. Nothing at all by the “content of character.” To be clear, by this dictionary definition, OneAmerica could be considered a racist organization, along with all their supporters. What say you? Combine this along with their agenda of open borders, climate change, and socialism, and it could be construed as part of a greater agenda. See here – The Marxist Plan to Destroy America. 

You think not? Here is a past Executive Directory of OneAmerica, Pramila Jayapal. Jayapal became a U.S. citizen in 2000. She is now in the U.S. House of Representatives from Washington’s 7th district sowing her brand of division and tribalism in America – not to speak of getting arrested by not respecting the laws of our country. 

See here in action here:  Some believe the efforts of OneAmerica and Rep. Pramila Jayapal are turning Seattle into the biggest cesspool In America. Is this our wonderful future offered by OneAmerica? 

Conservatives are not against people of color or of any national origin.  As stated previously, we judge people rather by the content of their character. Immigration needs to be lawful, and new immigrants to America are welcome. But immigration should be done by merit and integrated into America and not set apart by favor – negative nor positive. To not do this, will destroy America into a racial cesspool that has befallen many other countries. Worse yet effect negatively on immigrants’ country of origin abroad and at home. There is no morality in what OneAmerica is doing.

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