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Trump Beating Every Democrat In New Arizona Poll


A new poll conducted by OH Predictive Insights shows President Trump topping every single Democrat in the running for their party’s nomination in 2020 in the state of Arizona.

Democrats believe that Arizona is in play for 2020 because of its expansive Latino population, though the state went for Trump in 2016.

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Here's more on the findings via The Washington Examiner:

President Trump leads all the Democratic primary candidates in Arizona, according to a fresh survey, a resurgence the pollster is crediting to voter dissatisfaction with impeachment. 


Trump leads Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Mike Bloomberg in a Dec. 3 to 4 poll of Arizona voters from Predictive Insights, arresting a slide in his standing in the critical 2020 battleground. Mike Noble, the nonpartisan pollster who ran the survey, said the negative reaction to impeachment, a process being driven by House Democrats, has buoyed the president in the state. 


“I absolutely believe the impeachment proceedings are having an impact,” Noble told the Washington Examiner on Monday. “The data indicates, at least for here in Arizona, that the Democrats have jumped the shark when it comes to their decision to impeach Trump.”


 A November Predictive Insights poll showed that 41% of independents were satisfied with how the president is doing his job, but 46% opposed impeachment and expulsion. Noble said he draws a direct line from the Predictive Insights poll in early November to Trump's lead over five potential Democratic challengers in the firm's December survey. He said independents disapproving of Trump's job performance but also opposing his impeachment is a sign the effort to expel the president from office is a political flop.


Trump has been on the ropes in Arizona, an emerging swing state he won with 48.7% of the vote in 2016, the lowest outcome for a winning Republican nominee since George W. Bush captured 51% in 2000. The president’s struggle with suburban voters, more pronounced since midterm elections last year, could cost him Arizona’s 11 Electoral College votes in 2020.

Breitbart added:

The OH Predictive Insights survey released on Monday shows President Trump at 46 percent and Biden with 44 percent in a mock general election contest. The poll also shows the president’s 45 percent approval edging out Buttigieg with 43 percent. Both hypothetical matchups show the pair of Democrat contenders fall within the 3.9-percentage-point margin of error. The poll was conducted between December 3 and 14 and has a sample size of 628 respondents.

In May, the same poll showed Biden leading President Trump 49 percent to 44 percent, showing a dip in national support for the vice president has extended to Gand Canyon state. Conversely, Buttigieg’s support shows a 6 point jump from 37 percent.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) slipped one point from 42 percent to 41 percent in a mock face-off against President Trump’s 47 percent. Billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg trails the president 40 percent to 47 percent, said the survey.


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