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George Soros Predicts President Trump’s “Demise,” Calls Warren “Most Qualified To Be President”


George Soros just gave an exclusive interview with The New York Times in which he predicted that right now, the tide is turning in the favor of “Globalists.”

The left-wing billionaire believes the Trump will meet his “demise” in 2020 (ha!)

Even funnier, he thinks Elizabeth Warren will be the only to oust Trump!

Speaking of Warren, Soros said, “She has emerged as the clear-cut person to beat. I don’t take a public stance, but I do believe that she is the most qualified to be president.”

Take a look:


Here's more from the interview from The New York Times:

George Soros is a billionaire philanthropist, a former currency trader, a liberal champion and — in certain circles — a boogeyman. That last label seems to be a badge of honor.

“I’m very proud of the enemies I have,” he said in an interview in his apartment on New York’s Upper East Side. “It’s a perfect way to tell a dictator or a would-be dictator if he identifies me as an enemy.” 

The list of people who do seem to think of Mr. Soros as an enemy includes President Trump and his personal lawyer Rudolph Giuliani, the government of China, and an uncountable number of conspiracy theorists

Their objections to Mr. Soros, 89, stem from his backing of liberal causes and super PACs that opposed Mr. Trump and supported Democratic candidates like Hillary Clinton, and his Open Society Foundation, which, funded by his billions, has supported democracy and human rights in some 120 countries, often opposing autocratic regimes. 

There’s also a substantial amount of anti-Semitism directed toward Mr. Soros, who was born into a Jewish family in Hungary. 

Having just published a collection of essays this week, called “In Defense of Open Society,” he acknowledged that his brand of “globalism” — which he takes to mean an integrated, global economy underpinned by the rule of law — is out of favor amid Mr. Trump’s “America First” approach, the trade war, the debate over Brexit and escalating fighting in the Middle East.

Looking out a window with expansive views of Central Park, Mr. Soros spoke about China, Mr. Trump and who he thinks will face off against the president in next year’s election. 

Notably, Mr. Soros is convinced that the arc of history may soon turn back his way, that Mr. Trump’s election and Brexit were the nadir of anti-globalism and that a backlash to that nationalism is coming.

“Trump is still doing a tremendous amount of damage,” he said, lifting himself up a bit in his desk chair. “I mean, just the last week what he has done in the Middle East has been devastating for America’s influence in the world,” he said, referring to the withdrawal of American troops from Syria. 

Mr. Trump “is an aberration, and he is clearly putting his personal interests ahead of the national interests,” he said. “That’s a fact.” 

His face brightening, he said: “I think it will contribute to his demise next year. So I am slightly predicting that things will turn around.”

Mr. Soros’s bet is that Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts will become the Democratic nominee to compete against Mr. Trump.

 “She has emerged as the clear-cut person to beat,” he said. “I don’t take a public stance, but I do believe that she is the most qualified to be president.” 

He quickly added that he was not endorsing Ms. Warren, perhaps realizing that any comment construed as an endorsement is likely to be used by her opposition.

“I’m not endorsing anybody because I want to work with whoever,” he said. “I don’t express my views generally because I have to live with whoever the electorate chooses.”

CNBC also said the following about what Soros said in the interview:

Billionaire philanthropist and liberal activist George Soros says Elizabeth Warren is the top Democrat in the field vying to take on President Donald Trump in 2020.

“She has emerged as the clear-cut person to beat,” he told The New York Times in an interview published Friday. “I don’t take a public stance, but I do believe that she is the most qualified to be president.”

Soros, a former currency trader and the target of numerous right-wing conspiracy theories, does not consider his position to be an endorsement. He said he will not endorse any candidate.

“I don’t express my views generally because I have to live with whoever the electorate chooses,” said the 89-year-old Hungarian-American, who in 1979 established the Open Society Foundations to help countries transition to democracy.

Financiers are divided on Warren, who has proposed a bevy of new taxes and criticized corporate greed.

But Soros has previously expressed views in line with the progressive Massachusetts senator, and has long called for the government to increase his taxes.

It really seems like mainstream media has amped up efforts to defend Soros lately.

Could it be to bleach away the allegations that the whistleblower complaint that led to the Trump impeachment inquiry was funded by Soros?

Let us know what you think on Facebook & Twitter.

And, just in case you thought CNN has gotten any better since calling out O'Rourke on gun confiscation, watch how they presented the "myths" of Democrat puppeteer George Soros in this clip they ran recently:


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