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“Battle-Tested” President Trump Has No Plans For An Impeachment War Room


President Trump has no plans to use a “war room” to fight against Dems demanding his impeachment, as former President Bill Clinton did when faced with his own impeachment over his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

When asked if President Trump would respond to Pelosi’s announcement of the impeachment inquiry by setting up one of these so-called “war rooms” Trump’s advisor Kellyanne Conway retorted,

“Why would he do that? He’s the most battle-tested person I’ve ever met!”


Rumors had been circulating that big names from the past would join the cavalry to fight against Trump impeachment.

Namely, many had speculated that Corey Lewandowski and Steve Bannon would join the fight.

But, for now, the White House denies that notion.

The Washington Examiner had the following to say about Trump's decision not to set up a war room and be his own:

The White House is not planning to set up a war room to fight impeachment efforts, according to multiple officials who denied reports of “panic” and “shell-shock” as Democrats step up their campaign against President Trump.


Two days of headlines dominated by whistleblower allegations have been followed by reports that Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s former campaign manager, or Steve Bannon, former White House chief strategist, might be on their way back to head up a rapid response team.


Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president, insisted there was no need for a war room when formal impeachment proceedings had not even begun. “You’re getting that from people who want to create an impeachment war room to get back in or get through the door in the front place,” she told White House reporters. “Why would he do that?" she said of the president. “He’s the most battle-tested person I’ve ever met.”


Bill Clinton set up a war room in the late 1990s as part of an effort to compartmentalize the Monica Lewinsky scandal and create a team that could focus intensely on fighting impeachment behind the scenes and in the press. The approach presented an image of a president devoted to governing the country rather than bogged down in a legal fight. 


Clinton ultimately survived.


Other officials said it was still too early to think about rapid response units or war rooms.


“There has been talk about a war room being set up — but only in the media,” one official said. “There are no plans for a war room although it’s early days. Congress goes on holiday for two weeks now, and who knows where we’ll be in a few weeks or months.”

CNN also said:

Top White House officials appear to be souring on talk of bringing in former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski to lead a rapid response war room for an impeachment fight. Acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney is now opposed to the idea, a White House official told CNN. 

"No one here sees a need for adding to the inside team," the official said. "Corey isn't coming as of now," the official said, adding Mulvaney will not hire Lewandowski unless he's asked to do so by President Donald Trump.

Trump was upset when he saw news reports about a Lewandowski-led war room, furious that the story suggested he needed help in dealing with the Ukraine investigation, a source familiar with the matter said. 

Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the President, dismissed the idea when speaking to reporters on Friday.

"You're getting that from people who want to create an impeachment war room, to either try and get back in or get in the front door in the first place. Why would he do that?" she said.

This is not the first time the prospect of a Lewandowski hiring has been raised during the Trump administration. Such reports about the abrasive former campaign manager have frustrated previous chiefs of staff Reince Priebus and John Kelly.

Lewandowski, who was fired midway through Trump's campaign, has remained close to the President and is a regular guest aboard Air Force One and at the White House. His presence in Trump's inner circle is controversial, however, given his loudly proclaimed view of letting "Trump be Trump" instead of attempting to apply discipline to the freewheeling President. Lewandowski has also chafed at times with some members of Trump's family.

"As I have done for the last five years, I will continue to serve the President in any capacity he thinks I can be most helpful. However, I have not spoken directly to the President about leading an effort to push back on the fake impeachment narrative," Lewandowski told CNN on Thursday when asked about joining the administration.


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