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President Trump Declassifying Obama-Era Documents?


It appears that President Trump is preparing to take things into his own hands with declassification and being transparent with the American people.

In fact, there’s talk going around that Trump is just finishing up the last steps to declassify 3 documents from the Obama-era that have been hidden from the American public for way too long.

John Solomon, who has been right in the past about similar going-ons, says that a source told him that these documents will center around the Trump-Russia investigation, but that Trump plans to declassify more important documents in the future.


Here's what John Solomon has to tell us about the expected upcoming declass, from The Hill:

My sources tell me President Trump is putting the finishing touches on a White House initiative to declassify documents that have remained hidden from the public for far too long.

This welcome effort to provide more public transparency and accountability almost certainly will focus early on the failings of the now-debunked Russia collusion probe. And I’m sure it will spread quickly toward other high-profile issues, such as the government’s UFO files that have been a focus of clamoring for decades.

But my reporting indicates three sets of documents from the Obama years should be declassified immediately, too, because they will fundamentally change the public’s understanding of history and identify ways to improve governance.

The first includes the national security assessments that the U.S. intelligence community conducted under President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton concerning the Russia nuclear giant Rosatom’s effort to acquire uranium business in the United States.

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) — made up of Secretary Clinton and eight other senior federal officials — approved Rosatom’s purchase of mining company Uranium One’s U.S. assets in fall 2010, even as the FBI was gathering evidence that the Russian company’s American arm was engaged in bribery, kickbacks and extortion.

Sources who have seen these classified assessments tell me they debunk the last administration’s storyline that there were no national security reasons to oppose Rosatom’s Uranium One purchase or Vladimir Putin’s successful efforts to secure billions of dollars in new nuclear fuel contracts with American utilities during the Obama years. 

“There were red flags raised, and the assessments expose other weaknesses in how CFIUS goes about these approval processes,” one knowledgeable source told me.

Under Obama, sensitive foreign acquisitions almost routinely were rubber-stamped by the CFIUS, and the approval process sometimes was delegated by Cabinet officials on the CFIUS to lower-ranking aides. 

Clinton, for example, claims she allowed a deputy to decide the Uranium One purchase, even as her family foundation collected millions in donations from parties interested in the transaction and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, collected a $500,000 speech fee from Moscow.

Since Trump took office and Steve Mnuchin took over as Treasury secretary, laudable legislative and administrative changes have been designed to tighten up the CFIUS process, and the percentage of rejected foreign acquisitions has increased because of more aggressive national security vetting.

But sources say the release of the Rosatom intelligence assessments would identify additional steps that can improve the process and finally would give Americans a complete picture of what happened during one of the most politically controversial CFIUS decisions in history.

Mike Huckabee gave an excellent summary overview of the 3 documents that Solomon says will be declassified soon on his website

1) National security assessments produced under Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that concern Russian nuclear giant Rosatom’s efforts to acquire uranium in the United States. Recall that Hillary sat on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which approved the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One –- and thus 20 percent of our uranium supply –- to Rosastom, despite an FBI investigation that found serious bribery, kickbacks and extortion within that Russian company.

These reportedly show that the Obama administration was lying when they said there were no national security reasons to oppose the sale of Uranium One. Recall that this was back when the Clinton Foundation was raking in millions in donations from parties interested in the transaction and Bill got $500,000 just for giving a speech in Moscow.

2) Obama’s private conversations with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, setting the terms for the Iranian nuclear deal set in 2016 (and thankfully later canceled by Trump). Once again, Obama was misrepresenting the terms and circumstances of the deal to the American people. At the time, serious red flags were ignored; for example, we had intelligence that Iran had already violated the international nuclear non-proliferation treaty for years. According to sources, the correspondence shows “a level of courtship, concession and trust with Iran that exceeded the U.S. intelligence assessments at the time.”

3) A highly classified set of documents relating to the question of whether or not Hillary Clinton violated the law by transmitting classified emails over her nonsecure private server. Sources who have seen this say it contains “explosive revelations” about what really happened with Hillary’s emails and reveals serious national security issues raised by what she did.

What do you think?

Is this the first step to declassify everything?!?


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