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Hillary’s Emails Were Forwarded To Private Gmail Address Named After Chinese Company!


Get ready for yet another bombshell update on the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

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A memo from the Senate regarding the investigation into Clinton’s severe mishandling of classified government information that was just released revealed that all but four of the 30,490 emails from Hillary’s private basement email server were also forwarded to the email address “”.

A quick Google search for “Carter Heavy Industries” as performed by one of the investigators turns up the name of Chinese-based Shandong Carter Heavy Industry Co., Ltd!

So, not only did Hillary Clinton have an unauthorized, unsecure private email server that COULD have been hacked into or used to leak classified government documents – but almost all of the emails on the server were actually forwarded to a non-U.S. government foreign entity that most probably had no legal business reading the emails.

Who knows why or what the emails were used for?



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