It’s in the darkest moments that real heroes shine.
Christopher Grant doesn’t see himself as a hero, but in a recent interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, he sure recounted some heroic behavior.
Grant was shot during the El Paso shooting after he drew the shooter’s attentio by throwing bottles at him.
He did this in an attempt to save the lives of the others at the Walmart that 21-year-old Patrick Crusius targeted on Saturday.
Grant told Cuomo that before he and his mother had left to go shopping at Walmart, his mother decided that she didn’t need to bring her concealed carry firearm with her since they “were just going to Walmart.”
After the shootings started, Grant selflessly risked his life to do what he could to distract the shooter enough to hopefully spare others’ lives.
However, he’s not taking any credit for it.
“I did what any good man would do,” says Grant.
Watch the full interview from CNN with Christopher Grant here:
Christopher Grant's bravery made an impact on many Americans, who are sharing his story on Twitter.
Take a look:
Townhall has more to say about Grant's heroism:
Right now, Americans across the country are looking at the extreme evil that emanated out of the El Paso shooter, which led to the death of at least 22 innocent civilians, and wondering how we as a nation can move on and improve from the tragedy. "How could somebody be so evil?," many question. But from this shooting comes the opportunity for America to look at what a true man looks like in the example set forth by Christopher Grant. Grant is an El Paso survivor who distracted the Walmart shooter and risked his own life in an attempt to save others. In the following CNN interview, Grant displayed humility, love, sacrifice, and exemplified what it means to be a real man as well as why fathers are so important in society.
"I think that any man who's a man would have done that," Grant told CNN's Chris Cuomo from his hospital bed.
El Paso survivor to CNN from his hospital bed:
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) August 6, 2019
I wish my mother brought her revolver with her that day. "that" Grant is referring to was the action he took on Saturday, August 3.
"I saw him standing in the parking lot..and I saw him popping people off," Grant said of the shooter. "And I was inside the produce department which is right by the front door...So to deter him I started just chucking bottles, random bottles at him. And I'm not a baseball player, so one went this way one went that way. And then one went right towards him and then that's when he saw me."
"And I ducked, I was behind the chips...and he just 'boop boop boop' started firing off rounds at me," he added. "So when I got hit it was like somebody put a hand grenade in my back and then pulled the pin. That's what it felt like."
Just prior to that, Grant told Cuomo that he at first ran to his mother who typically always has a firearm for self-defense. But that day she did not.
"I heard gunshots, and I knew what it was. So I ran towards my mother to try and shield her, so I'm like 'Mom!' -- cause my mom she's a gun-wielding Grandma. She carries a snubnosed Smith and Weston .38 special with a built-in scope in it., everywhere she goes."
"Not that day?" Chris Cuomo responds.
"An hour before we go to Walmart, she decided 'Oh, We're just going to Walmart. I'm going to put in my room. So when I went to her, no gun. And I'm like 'Oh my God, you gotta be kidding be me. and then she took off and it was chaos.
Grant was so close to the carnage that he could hear the prayers of the victims. Many of these individuals were of Hispanic descent. They were the target of the hate-filled white supremacist domestic terrorist simply because of the color of their skin.
The Western Journal also commented:
After a gunman opened fire Saturday at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, Christopher Grant could have run for safety.
Grant wasn’t armed, after all, and the gunman had an assault rifle.
Instead of fleeing, Grant did the exact opposite — he tried to get the gunman’s attention, even though it meant putting his own life in considerable danger.
Grant’s actions resulted in his being shot, though he may very well have saved lives in the process.
“I heard gunshots, and I knew what it was, so I ran towards my mother to try to shield her,” Grant told CNN’s Chris Cuomo from his hospital bed on Monday.
Grant was in the store at the time, but he said he saw the shooter in the parking lot “popping people off.”
While his mother usually carries a handgun wherever she goes, that day she didn’t, he said. She fled to the back of the store, but he decided to stay.
“I started throwing random bottles at him,” Grant said. “I’m not a baseball player, so one went this way, one went that way, and then one went right towards him.”
Soon, the gunman started firing at Grant.
“I ducked, and he just boop-boop-boop-boop started firing off rounds at me,” Grant said. “I was like, ‘Oh my God, this guy is shooting at me.’”
“When I got hit, it was like — it was like somebody put a hand grenade in your back and pulled the pin,” Grant said. “That’s basically what it felt like.”
Grant recalled how people in the store were “praying in Spanish” that their lives would be spared. But the gunman kept going.
“They were on the ground, and he still just shot them in the head,” Grant said. “He had no remorse for their lives at all.”
“One little girl saw her parents get killed right in front of her,” he added. “How much hate do you have to have in your heart to do that?”
Despite being injured, Grant wanted to “do something,” so he got up and ran through the store to the auto department, where he encountered Customs and Border Protection agent Donna Sifford.
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