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VOTE THEM OUT: The 16 Republicans Who Have Condemned Trump’s “Go Home” Tweet


President Trump’s Sunday tweets telling Democrat congresswomen like Omar and AOC to leave the country if they don’t like how America is have caused quite a ruckus!

Despite Trump support going up and the vast majority of Republicans like Sen. Lindsey Graham and Ben Carson defending President Trump, whom the left is calling “racist” and “bigoted” over speaking the truth, several Republicans have “pulled an Amash” and turned against the president over his shaming of the “AOC squad.”

As it stands, 16 Republicans have sided with the Dems over President Trump’s tweets, and it all began with a vote in Congress over a resolution to “strongly condemn” what he had to say.

President Trump spoke about the resolution in a series of tweets where he noted that although 187 Republicans voted against it, 4 Republicans voted for it:

Information on the 4 Republicans who voted for the resolution to condemn the president's tweets has been circulating on Twitter every since the ruling:

Kyle Griffin shared the names of the four Republicans that voted for the resolution (of course, former Republican, now Independent, Justin Amash sided with Dems, too....):

The New York Times has more details on the four Republicans that sided with Dems instead of our president:

The House, in a stunning rebuke of a sitting president, voted on Tuesday to “strongly condemn” President Trump’s suggestion that four freshman Democratic women of color “go home” — a Twitter broadside described in a Democratic resolution as “racist comments that have legitimized and increased fear and hatred of new Americans.”

The extraordinary vote came after an afternoon of vitriolic debate that erupted into a floor fight over remarks by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, which were “taken down” — ruled out of order by her No. 2 Democrat, Representative Steny H. Hoyer.

Here are six takeaways:

Republicans Held Together, for the Most Part

Only four Republicans — Representatives Will Hurd of Texas, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Fred Upton of Michigan, Susan W. Brooks of Indiana — broke with their party to vote against Mr. Trump. They were joined by Representative Justin Amash of Michigan, a Trump critic who recently abandoned the Republican Party to become an independent. Each had his or her reasons.

Mr. Hurd, a former C.I.A. agent and the only black Republican in the House, barely hung onto his seat. Mr. Fitzpatrick squeaked past his Democratic opponent last year and often votes with Democrats. (He has also signed a congressional pledge to civility.) Mr. Upton, a centrist and House veteran, also advocates civility, and has been put on a “retirement watch list” by Democrats.

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“If we’re going to bring civility back to the center of our politics, we must speak out against inflammatory rhetoric from anyone in any party anytime it happens,” Mr. Upton wrote Tuesday on Twitter.

Ms. Brooks is retiring. She is one of the few Republicans to criticize Mr. Trump’s “go home” remarks, which she said were “inappropriate and do not reflect American values.”

Mr. Amash, though, is in a class by himself. He was the only Republican to say Mr. Trump’s conduct reached the threshold of impeachment — until, that is, he left the party. Now he is the lone independent in the House.

USA Today had the following to say about what the four (and Amash) are saying against Trump:

Hurd, the lone African American GOP House member, said Monday that in addition to being "racist and xenophobic," Trump's tweets were bad politics because they offered Democrats a reason to unify amid potentially politically damaging internal infighting. 

"I think politically it doesn't help. While you had a civil war going on within the Democratic Party between the far left and the rest of the party, now they have circled the wagons and are starting to protect one another," Hurd told CNN

Upton tweeted Monday that he was "appalled" by Trump's racist tweets. 

"There’s no excuse. Inflammatory rhetoric from both sides of the aisle that is used to divide us just isn’t right," Upton said. "The President’s tweets were flat out wrong and uncalled for, and I would encourage my colleagues from both parties to stop talking so much and start governing more." 

Frankly I’m appalled by the President's tweets. There’s no excuse. Inflammatory rhetoric from both sides of the aisle that is used to divide us just isn’t right. It’s not helpful. We have too many challenges facing us...

— Fred Upton (@RepFredUpton) July 15, 2019

Fitzpatrick compared the divided political atmosphere to the bloody Hatfield and McCoy feud of the 19th century. 

"Democrats and Republicans need to start treating each other respectfully and like human beings. We are all created in the image and likeness of God," he said. 

The language and tone being used by so many in our country needs to change. The Hatfield versus McCoy brand of politics must end. Democrats and Republicans need to start treating each other respectfully and like human beings. We are all created in the image and likeness of God.

— Brian Fitzpatrick (@RepBrianFitz) July 16, 2019

Brooks, who will not seek re-election in 2020, said Trump's tweets were "inappropriate and do not reflect American values." 

"ALL of our elected officials need to raise their level of civility in order to address the serious issues facing our country," she said in a statement.

ALL of our elected officials need to raise their level of civility in order to address the serious issues facing our country. My complete statement ⬇️

— Susan W. Brooks (@SusanWBrooks) July 15, 2019

Amash, who has called for Trump's impeachment for what he believes were acts of obstruction of justice in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, called the tweets "racist and disgusting." 

To tell these American citizens (most of whom were born here) to “go back” to the “crime infested places from which they came” is racist and disgusting.

— Justin Amash (@justinamash) July 14, 2019

Aside from the four Republicans that voted for the resolution to condemn President Trump's tweets, 12 additional Republicans have spoken out against the president (you won't be surprised seasoned RINO Mitt Romney is on the list!)

CNN has more details on the additional Republicans shaming our president:

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas

"I think what the President said was a mistake and an unforced error and that's about the total of my thoughts," Cornyn told CNN, adding later, "I don't think you are going to change somebody at this point in his life but hopefully he will, like all of us when we make a mistake, he'll learn from it."  

Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah

Romney, who was the 2012 Republican nominee for president, told reporters the President "failed badly" with his tweets. 

When asked if they were racist, Romney responded, "You know, a lot of people have been using the word and my own view is that what was said, and what was tweeted, was destructive, was demeaning, was dis-unifying, and frankly, was very wrong."

Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri

Blunt, who is a member of Senate GOP leadership, suggested in a statement that Trump used "unacceptable tactics" similar to the Democrats he wanted to criticize. 

"Just because the so-called squad constantly insults and attacks the president isn't a reason to adopt their unacceptable tactics," Blunt said in a statement. "There is plenty to say about how destructive House Democrats' policies would be for our economy, our health care system, and our security. I think that's where the focus should be."

Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina

Scott, one of two black Republican members serving in Congress, said in a statement that Trump's comments used "racially offensive language."

"Instead of sharing how the Democratic Party's far-left, pro-socialist policies -- not to mention the hateful language some of their members have used towards law enforcement and Jews -- are wrong for the future of our nation, the President interjected with unacceptable personal attacks and racially offensive language," Scott said in his statement. "No matter our political disagreements, aiming for the lowest common denominator will only divide our nation further."

Sen. Susan Collins of Maine

Collins, who's up for reelection next year, said Trump should take down his tweet.

"I disagree strongly with many of the views and comments of some of the far-left members of the House Democratic Caucus -- especially when it comes to their views on socialism, their anti-Semitic rhetoric, and their negative comments about law enforcement -- but the President's tweet that some Members of Congress should go back to the 'places from which they came' was way over the line, and he should take that down."

Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio

Portman said in a statement to CNN, "That's not something I would say, and I think it's divisive, unnecessary and wrong." 

During an appearance Tuesday on "New Day," he told CNN's John Berman that "The comments are unnecessary and wrong by their very nature."

"And, you know, I think there's a lot we should talk about and can talk about that unites our country right now," Portman said. 

Rep. Pete Olson of Texas 

"The Tweet President Trump posted over the weekend about fellow Members of Congress are not reflective of the values of the 1,000,000+ people in Texas 22. We are proud to be the most diverse Congressional district in America," Olson tweeted Monday. "I urge our President immediately disavow his comments."

Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania

"President Trump was wrong to suggest that four left-wing congresswomen should go back to where they came from," Toomey said in a statement. "Three of the four were born in America and the citizenship of all four is as valid as mine. I couldn't disagree more with these congresswomen's views on immigration, socialism, national security, and virtually every policy issue. But they are entitled to their opinions, however misguided they may be. We should defeat their ideas on the merits, not on the basis of their ancestry."

Rep. Paul Mitchell of Michigan

Mitchell quoted Trump's tweet in his response to the President on Monday.

".@RealDonaldTrump, we must be better than comments like these," he tweeted. "I share the political frustrations with some members of the other party, but these comments are beneath leaders."

Rep. Peter King of New York

A King spokesman told CNN, "The tweets were inappropriate and wrong."

Rep. John Katko of New York

"The President's tweets were wrong," Katko tweeted. "I have vehemently criticized lawmakers on the far-left when I disagree with the direction they want to take the country — but criticism should focus on policy."

Rep. Mike Turner of Ohio

"I am confident that every Member of Congress is a committed American," he tweeted. "@realDonaldTrump's tweets from this weekend were racist and he should apologize. We must work as a country to rise above hate, not enable it."

Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska

"There is no excuse for the president's spiteful comments -- they were absolutely unacceptable and this needs to stop," Murkowski said in a statement. "We have enough challenges addressing the humanitarian crises both at our borders and around the world. Instead of digging deeper into the mud with personal, vindictive insults --we must demand a higher standard of decorum and decency."

Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York

"While I strongly disagree with the tactics, policies, and rhetoric of the far-left socialist 'Squad,' the President's tweets were inappropriate, denigrating, and wrong. It is unacceptable to to tell legal U.S. citizens to go back to their home country," Stefanik tweeted. 

Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma

"I am deeply disappointed in the president's comments directed toward fellow Americans and members of Congress," Cole said in a statement. "Use of such language is inappropriate and demeans the office of the presidency."

What do you think?

Are these Republicans betraying their party and our nation by shaming President Trump?

Should the RINOs be voted out of their seats in Congress?


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