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Trump Prophet: MAGA Rallies Will Starting Turning Into Revivals!



Do you like Mark Taylor?

I’m a big fan.

He’s been on the record about Donald Trump since 2011 (if not earlier) and one-by-one his prophecies have been coming to pass!

In fact, so much so that his publisher just put out a new version of his book showing each one that has come true, including when it was originally made and when and how it came to pass.

You can see it here:


So whenever Mark Taylor has a new interview out, I'm the first to listen!

And his most recent one definitely did not disappoint.

I've got it for you right here:


There's so much in here that is amazing, but I want to focus on just one thing that blew my mind.

It was Mark Taylor talking with the host and it actually didn't come from Mark, but he confirmed he agreed with it.

The host said she recently had another prophet-type person on her show and that person said that he was given a clear vision that the Trump MAGA Rallies would start to morph from their current form into all out Christian Revivals!


Taylor then jumped in and confirmed he agreed, pointing out that it's already happening.

He pointed to the wonderful prayer that kicked off the recent Orlando Rally and he also said that President Trump and the MAGA Movement and Q have been doing things that the church was supposed to do but failed at.

And by "church" he means the institutionalized church, a big portion of which has become corrupt.  

Wouldn't that be something to see?

Full blown revivals at MAGA Rallies!

I'll tell you what....I've been to three MAGA Rallies and the vibe is something special.  It sure does feel to me like the Holy Spirit is present there, and it would not surprise me one bit to see true Revival start breaking out in these stadiums all over the country!

And this isn't the only prophecy about President Trump leading revival.

In 2007, Kim Clement prophecied the same thing, saying President Trump would become President (an amazing prophecy for 2007) and not only that but that he would come into office like a bull in a China shop but he would leave office as a Prayer Warrior - a praying president!

SIGN THE PETITION: Release The Epstein Client List!

Read More:  Prophet Kim Clement Said In 2007 Trump Would Serve TWO Terms and Build Walls of Protection!

Folks, I believe we're starting to see it happen before our very eyes!

But I'd love to hear what YOU think!

FREE To You, While They Last....


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