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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Pushing For TOTAL BAN on Sanctuary Cities!


The battle against the illegal immigration crisis in America is progressing more and more, and Florida’s new governor is on board with tackling the issue in his state, which has one of the largest populations of illegal aliens in the country.

Governor Ron DeSantis wants to completely ban sanctuary cities in Florida that protect illegal immigrants from being detained. 

He is pushing several bills that would make it illegal for police to refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials.

Check out the news circulating on Twitter:

Citizens are applauding Gov. DeSantis' serious approach to tackling issues in the state of Florida.

Take a look at this response to the story on Twitter:

Here's what Fox News had to say about DeSantis' plan:

Florida has one of the largest illegal immigrant populations in the country and its new governor wants to make sure they don't have protection from local authorities.

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is pushing for a ban on sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. Several bills making their way through the state legislature would effectively make it against the law for police departments to refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials. If a law enforcement official refuses, they could be fined or fired.

“This problem that we have right now, is a problem that has been festering in the United States because it has not been solved by the federal government for the past 40 years,” said Florida Republican Rep. Blaise Ingoglia. “Quite frankly, you know since the last mass amnesty, if you will, in 1986 under Ronald Reagan, we were always promised that we would have some sort of... legal immigration reform and it never came.”

It's all an effort by the Republican-led state lawmakers, buoyed by DeSantis, to toughen the rules on illegal immigration. The sanctuary city ban, which passed the Senate Infrastructure and Security Committee, will be voted on by both chambers before May 3.

Florida is home to 775,000 illegal immigrants out of 10.7 million present in the United States, ranking the state third among all states.

Orlando Sentinel gave more details about the governor's efforts:

Gov. Ron DeSantis urged law enforcement agencies on Tuesday to expand their cooperation with federal immigration authorities and called on the legislature to support a bill that would preemptively ban so-called sanctuary jurisdictions.

In a press conference with the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office and local legislators, DeSantis also announced he was directing the Florida Department of Corrections to review the state’s participation in a federal immigration program that allows trained officers to inquire about a person’s immigration status once they are arrested.

The program, also known as the 287(g) agreement, deputizes local officers to detain and investigate people who they believe have violated federal immigration laws on behalf of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Five counties in Florida — Hernando, Clay, Collier, Pasco and Jacksonville — have signed on to the program.

“What they’re doing is something that is very sensible. They’re not transforming their sheriff’s departments into an immigration agency,” DeSantis said. “But when you have somebody who is in their custody who has done something that they’re going to be held accounted for and they’re not here legally, it makes sense to be able to seamlessly work with the federal authority.”

DeSantis, a Republican and vocal supporter of President Donald Trump who touted a hardline position on immigration enforcement during his campaign for governor, voiced his support for a bill that seeks to preemptively prohibit counties and cities from limiting cooperation with ICE.

No county jail in Florida currently limits compliance with ICE detainers, which are petitions issued by federal immigration authorities to request for jails to continue holding inmates suspected of being in the country illegally after they are set to be released on local charges.

Hopefully Gov. DeSantis' hard work pays off, and, combined with President Trump's resolved determination to solve the immigration crisis, we see a total reform of our country's broken immigration system not just in the state of Florida, but across the nation!


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