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Young Black Leadership Summit ERUPTS With Praise For President Trump!

This was incredible to see!


You can read the Mainstream News and listen to the pundits, and if that’s all you did you’d think President Trump was a horribly racist person and no single black person would ever vote for him, let alone be in the same room with him!


I can just show you videos from REALITY.

Because this is what it looked like when the Young Black Leadership Summit was invited to the White House on Friday.

They went CRAZY for our President, making very clear they support him and they support his policies to Make America Great Again!

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I could be wrong, but I don’t see one single person in any of these videos not wholly supportive of our great President.

In fact, according to FoxNews:

Chants of ‘We love Trump, U-S-A!’ echoed across the East Room of the White House before, during, and after President Donald Trump’s address to hundreds of young black conservatives.

Take a look:

Here's more from FoxNews on the story:

Chants of ‘We love Trump, U-S-A!’ echoed across the East Room of the White House before, during, and after President Donald Trump’s address to hundreds of young black conservatives. 

The President’s address was part of the Young Black Leaders Summit (YBLS), a four-day conference focused on millennial-aged, conservative black Americans. The student-activist group, Turning Point USA, is hosting the event.

Brandon Tatum is Director of Urban Engagement at Turning Point USA, and he told Fox News that the YBLS is symbolic for black voters. “YBLS is important because it gives an example to this country that black voters are not monoliths and think for ourselves,” said Tatum. 

Brandon Tatum (third from right) is Director of Urban Engagement at Turning Point USA, and he told Fox News that the YBLS is symbolic for black voters. “YBLS is important because it gives an example to this country that black voters are not monoliths and think for ourselves,” said Tatum.   (Christopher Howard/FOXNews)

Turning Point’s Communications Director Candace Owens told Fox News that the YBLS is working to change the narrative when it comes to President Trump and the Democratic Party for black Americans.

“Despite all of the lies and propaganda, black Americans are waking up,” said Owens. “Black Americans are realizing that this person you’ve painted as a monster seems to be bringing results that you’ve promised for decades and never delivered.”

President Trump touted historic gains for black Americans during his tenure in office which included a 5.9 percent unemployment rate for in May 2018. It’s the lowest black unemployment rate in recorded American history and also contributes to a closing gap between black and white unemployment.

Turning Point’s Communications Director Candace Owens (pictured) told Fox News that the YBLS is working to change the narrative when it comes to President Trump and the Democratic Party for black Americans. (Christopher Howard/FOXNews)

“For decades policies advanced by Democrats have and eliminated opportunity and wiped out good paying jobs and even great paying jobs for the black community,” declared President Trump. “The results really speak for themselves, it was just announced last quarter that the economy beat all expectations, growing at 3%, 3.5%, and now they think it could be well into the fours.”

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