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FLASHBACK: The Time Jimmy Kimmel Mocked Black Athletes in Blackface!


Just asking a QUESTION about blackface got Megyn Kelly fired.

So what should happen to Jimmy Kimmel after this video resurfaces?

Yeah, show all your friends, let’s get this trending!

This video is from 2000 when Kimmel was on The Man Show.  It’s Kimmel IN BLACKFACE mocking Hall of Famer Karl Malone.

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Here’s the transcript:

“Sometime at night, Karl Malone look up at sky and say, “What the hell goin’ on up there? Do UFO live on other planet, phonin’ home like E.T.?’ Karl Malone read on TV about white people gettin’ deducted (sic) by alien, speakin’ all kind of hell up they butt. And that’s a damn thing. Now, Karl Malone never seen no flyin’ saucer itself, but if he do, that goin’ to be a spooky time. That’s why Karl Malone say, ‘Government got to step up and give 102% to keepin’ them little green men of this here earth, ‘cause the day them dudes sticks somethin’ up Karl Malone butt, well, that ain’t gonna be no good time for nobody, especially Karl Malone butt. Listen up, E.T.’ you better stay the hell back. Nanoo, nanoo. Until next time, this here Karl Malone.”

And here’s the video:

Hey ABC, are you gonna fire Jimmy Kimmel?

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