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Jimmy Carter Stands Up for Donald Trump!


Past presidents have not been very kind to Donald Trump.  Probably because he is fixing all their mistakes and restoring America to greatness.

But finally one past president has spoken up in support of Donald Trump.

Jimmy Carter.  Thank you Jimmy!

Here’s what he had to say recently, from FreeSpeechOrDeath:

Carter agreed with President Trump that pro sports players should stand during the anthem.  His exact words were, “I think they ought to find a different way to object, to demonstrate.  I would rather see all the players stand during the American anthem.”

Carter upheld President Trump’s contention that Washington politicians, especially Obama, have failed us.  His exact words were, “He [Obama] made some very wonderful statements, in my opinion, when he first got in office, and then he reneged on that.”

Carter also defended President Trump against the mainstream media’s 24/7 assault against him.  His exact words were, “I think the media have been harder on Trump than any other president certainly that I’ve known about.  I think they feel free to claim that Trump is mentally deranged and everything else without hesitation.”

When it comes to Russia, Carter dismissed the media’s hysteria pointing out that, “At the Carter Center we deal with Putin and the Russians quite frequently concerning Syria.”

In other words it’s the job of every president to engage with foreign powers whether they be hostile or not.  Carter shares President Trump’s belief that we’re better off engaging dictators than making erroneous suppositions about them as Trump’s opponents are demanding he do.

As for the suggestion behind so much of the anti-Trump hysteria that Russia flipped the election to him Carter responded, “I don’t think there’s any evidence that what the Russians did changed enough votes, or any votes.”

Then there was this little tidbit of information that puts the lie to Hillary’s blame tour.  Carter admitted that he and his wife both voted for Bernie Sanders.  Savor that for a moment, Jimmy Carter couldn’t bring himself to vote for the only Democrat in the race.

Carter was asked whether Trump was “souring our image in the world.”  His answer was as much a swipe at Bush and Obama as it was a defense of Trump.

“Well, he might be escalating it but I think that precedes Trump.  The United States has been the dominant character in the whole world and now we’re not anymore. And we’re not going to be. Russia’s coming back and India and China are coming forward.”

After 16 years of waging a war without purpose and eight years of Obama’s genuflecting and apologies, it appears Jimmy Carter has had enough of watching America’s decline and he let his interviewer know it.

Carter also is content in giving Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner a chance at crafting a Middle East peace accord noting that: “I’ve seen in the Arab world, including the Palestinian world, the high esteem that they pay to a member of one’s own family.”

But Carter didn’t stop there noting that when it came to Middle East peace, “[Obama] made some very wonderful statements, in my opinion, when he first got in office, and then he reneged on that.”


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