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From Hannity: Media Matters Exposed By New Website

This is great!


In case you missed Hannity this week, I want to share with you something he announced on his show.  

There is a fantastic new website out at  

The entire website exposes the agenda, lies and distortion of Media Matters, a radical hate group sponsored by George Soros and others.  

I’m sure many of you know Media Matters, but this website finally gives you the ammo needed to PROVE what they are doing and EXPOSE them in their tracks.  

Article after article expose the organization and it’s leader.  


From the website itself, this is their mission statement:

About This Site

We will expose the truth about the corruption of Media Matters for America and the hateful people that run it’s operation. Angelo Carusone, David Brock and George Soros. They want only to suppress free speech, eliminate independent thinking and crush an individual’s right to first amendment.


Here is a sample article from the page, so you can get an idea of what they are exposing over there.


Media Matters: Hate Bucks for Hate Speech

In 2012, the Daily Caller took a detailed look at the funding of Media Matters for America.

Among other things it reported this:

“The list of Media Matters’ foundation funders, 120 in all, reads like a Who’s Who of the American progressive movement, including the far-left Tides Foundation ($4,384,702), George Soros’ Open Society Institutes ($1,075,000), the Ford Foundation ($966,466), the Sandler Foundation ($400,000) — endowed by subprime mortgage lenders Herb and Marion Sandler, who once bankrolled the embattled ACORN organization — and the Schumann Fund for Media and Democracy ($600,000), managed by longtime PBS host Bill Moyers and his son.

They also include the anti-George W. Bush organization ($50,000), the Barbra Streisand Foundation ($85,000), the kids’ shoes-powered Stride Rite Charitable Foundation ($25,000), the Lear Family Foundation ($55,000) — endowed by the TV producer and People for the American Way founder Norman Lear — and the Joyce Foundation ($400,000), whose board of directors included Barack Obama from 1994 to 2002.”

Two years later The DC reported this of Media Matters president Angelo Carusone.

“A top executive at Media Matters for America and the principal activist in the “Stop Rush” campaign made racist and anti-Semitic comments and disparaged “trannies” on a dormant blog that he wrote just several years prior to his prominent liberal activism career.

Blog entries reviewed by The Daily Caller show that Angelo Carusone made derogatory remarks about ethnic groups and used language to insult “trannies” and ugly “gays” that would be considered hate speech by his own organization.

Carusone is the executive vice president of the George Soros-funded progressive advocacy group Media Matters for America, headed by David Brock, which has built a nonprofit cottage industry out of targeting conservatives in media and flagging their politically incorrect statements for coverage by mainstream media outlets.”

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?

So the question for all those MMA funders? Why are they funding Carusone? Why are they funding hate? Why are the funders of the funders funding hate?

Because they hate.

Please Help Spread the Link!

Sean Hannity did his part by telling everyone about this on his show this week.

Now please join us in helping make it go viral.

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Light exposes darkness.  We defeat hate groups like this by exposing them.  


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