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F For FAKE: Fox News SELLS OUT With Absurd New Poll Claiming Obama Would BEAT Trump In Alabama

The liberal media has fallen all over itself trying to create, and then spin, fake polls to discredit President Trump. But we never thought Fox would get in the act.


“Trump hits rock bottom – lowest mark ever!” scream the headlines.

Every week.

Meanwhile, President Trump’s actual approval rating among voters shifts between 40% and 50%. Trump will soon set a world record for the longest “sinking to lowest ever!” approval rating that also stayed at 40% or higher…at the SAME TIME!

How is this feat of mathematics possible? Though slanted surveys and coverage that tricks the reader into thinking Trump couldn’t win an election for city council.

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Things that we thought SOME news networks were above.

Fox News is shrieking about a new poll that gives Obama a 52% favorability rating in Alabama, with Trump getting only 49%.

The resulting headline is that Barack Obama is more in-touch with Alabama, and therefore red states, than the President. More from The Hill:

A new Fox News poll shows former President Barack Obama is more popular in Alabama than Donald Trump.


The poll, conducted from Monday to Wednesday and released Thursday, shows Obama with a 52 percent favorability rating in the state, compared to Trump’s 49 percent.

Trump won Alabama by 28 points in the 2016 presidential election, while Obama lost the state by about 22 points in 2008 and 2012.

Obama had a 45 percent unfavorable rating in the poll, while Trump had a 48 percent unfavorable rating.

Trump’s job approval rating in the poll was listed at 52 percent, while 47 percent disapprove of his job performance.

But Trump wins elections in red states, bigly. Obama’s favorability numbers are mild compared to what past Presidents often enjoy. Trump is the man on the job, of course he’ll feel the wrath of conservative voters like any politician!

They’re not electing likeability. They’re electing Trump for his talent and his passion.


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