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Evan McMUFFIN Shows True Colors – Endorses DEMOCRAT For Virginia Governor On Final Day!

Remember failed loser anti-Trump Republican candidate Evan McMullin, who ran for President in 2016? He's showing just how "conservative" he is now!


McMullin, forever-branded by Trump as “McMuffin,” slammed Republican VA candidate for Governor Ed Gillespie on Twitter today, just hours before polls closed in the Viriginia general election.

Gillespie “peddles fear and white nationalism,” McMullin tweeted before endoring the Democrat.

“It’s better for VA and America that (Gillespie) not prevail.”

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More from Breitbart:

Gillespie, a former Republican National Committee chairman and George W. Bush staffer, hardly has the kind of hard-right reputation that would attract racism accusations from the mainstream left.

For example, outrage came from across the political spectrum over a now-pulled TV spot from the far-left “Latino Victory Fund” depicting a Gillespie supporter trying to run down minority children in a Confederate flag bestrewn pickup truck.

But where the mainstream left dare not go, McMullin and his #NeverTrump supporters were eager to join radical leftists. McMullin endorsed the same logic the leaders of the Latino Victory Fund used to justify their ad, claiming the Gillespie campaign’s focus on illegal immigration fueled MS-13 crime is merely spreading “fear:” McMullin’s 2016 presidential campaign was the brainchild of establishment GOP consultant and violent Trump foe “the” Rick Wilson. It attracted the endorsement of leading Republican globalists, right-leaning legacy media figures, and neoconservatives who felt left behind by Republican voters’ choice of Donald J. Trump, including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), the Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol, National Review’s Jonah Goldberg, and anti-Trump conspiracy theorist Louise Mensch.

Despite the broad coalescence of this #NeverTrump coalition around McMullin, he received roughly one half of one percent of the national popular vote, coming in third in Utah, where we had hoped to spoil Trump’s chances at victory. Had McMullin pulled out an unlikely win in his home state, Trump still would have won the electoral college by a wide margin.

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Along the way, however, McMullin did earn himself the now-cemented moniker “McMuffin” when the President toured Utah en route to roundly beating McMullin in a state pollsters once showed as a competitive race between the two men.

If Gillespie wins tonight, there’s gonna be a “McMuffin” with egg all over his face.






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