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Why Did Katie Hobbs Burst Out Laughing When Swearing an Oath to “Support” the Constitution?


Do you want to know why people don’t trust politicians?

It’s because of people like Katie Hobbs.

After Kari Lake’s historic campaign for governor in the great state of Arizona, it was Katie Hobbs who ended up getting sworn in.

But something disturbing happened during her swearing in ceremony.

Katie Hobbs started laughing uncontrollably.

She appeared to try to blame others around her for her laughter.

But there’s only one problem: the video suggests that no one was making her laugh.

In other words, Katie Hobbs began cackling for no reason.

She burst out laughing when asked to swear her oath to “support” the Constitution.

Immediately after being asked to repeat the oath, Hobbs couldn’t do it.

She began laughing instead.

Don’t just take our work for it.

Watch the clip below:

Fortunately, Kari Lake’s team saw the appalling footage.

You see, this moment was almost completely overlooked.


Because Hobbs didn’t allow media to attend her swearing in ceremony.

But when the footage was released online, Kari Lake’s team made sure that the rest of the world knew about it.

According to Biz Pac Review:

Despite banning reporters from the swearing-in ceremony, a clip of Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs laughing and stammering her way through the oath of office is still making the rounds.

The 13-second video has enraged watchers who don’t “see anything to laugh about” in such a solemn moment.

Hobbs, who narrowly defeated Republican opponent and Trump-endorsed Kari Lake, was excoriated by critics online for her behavior. The Kari Lake War Room Twitter account led the charge with promises of “justice” as she continues her legal challenge of Hobbs’ controversial win.

“This is one of the darkest moments in the history of Arizona. An illegitimate ‘Governor’ laughing in the face of our constitution. But it’s always darkest before the dawn. We will expose this fraud for the world to see. Justice is coming. [Katie Hobbs] won’t be laughing then,” the message warns.

Being inaugurated is a historic moment for anyone.

You are not only representing your constituents, you are swearing an oath to uphold our countries institutions by defending the Constitution.

What is so funny about that?

Why would you laugh?

I can guarantee that if this was a Republican, the media would be calling for their resignation immediately.

So since the media isn’t covering this, I implore this to share this article with your family and friends!

Especially those living in Arizona!

The good news is that even through this process, Kari Lake has proven that she is an incredible woman.

She is fighting to expose people like Katie Hobbs.

Townhall reports that Lake is exposing Hobbs’ giggle outbreak:

Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs had trouble keeping her composure during her swearing-in ceremony to be Arizona’s 24th governor on Monday, prompting a response from her GOP opponent Kari Lake, who called it “one of the darkest moments in the history of Arizona.”

Video of Hobbs circulated showing her laughing with her mother during the part of the oath where she was to repeat, “I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States…”

Lake, who lost her bid to overturn the election results, responded via her Kari Lake War Room account.

This is a transcript of the Kari Lake statement on social media:

During her swearing-in ceremony, @katiehobbs laughed and giggled throughout what was supposed to be a dignified process, and refused to say that she would support our constitution.

Everyone enjoy your Banana Republic.

And pray that a brave judge puts an end to this charade.

This is one of the darkest moments in the history of Arizona.

An illegitimate ‘Governor’ laughing in the face of our constitution.

But it’s always darkest before the dawn.

We will expose this fraud for the world to see.

99.9% Fine Silver MAGA Collector Coins!

Justice is coming.

@katiehobbs won’t be laughing then.

So what do you think?

Is there any excuse for Hobbs’ laughing tantrum?

Why or why not?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!


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