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Biden’s SCOTUS Nominee In Trouble Over 10 Child Porn, Child Sex Predator Cases


Joe Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court of the United States is in hot water.

Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson is accused of making controversial rulings in cases regarding child porn and child sexual predators.

It was initially believed that Jackson would be easily confirmed, given the Democrats’ majority in the Senate.

However, the revelation of these cases has caused a firestorm.

At first, pundits on the media were simply dissecting and critiquing these cases.

But when the American people understood her decisions in these cases, they became angry.

Now, more and more people are resisting Brown’s nomination.

More details below:

In any other year, these accusations might seem outrageous.

But recently, the radical Left has shown us there’s nothing too extreme for them.

After they embraced Wokeness and dove right into Cancel Culture, they began trying to normalize issues that shouldn’t have even been up for debate.

The Hill has more details:

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) say Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson’s rulings in nearly a dozen child pornography cases are raising serious concerns about her judicial philosophy, but the White House says the senator is using “cherry-picked” examples.

Hawley shared his concerns on Twitter Wednesday evening and again with reporters after a series of votes on Thursday, pledging to ask Jackson at her confirmation hearing next to week to explain what he called lax sentencing in several child pornography cases.

“She’s had 10 that I’ve seen that we’ve found and I haven’t found a single case where she’s sentenced — for child porn offenders — where she’s sentenced with the guidelines. Always below, and almost always below the government’s recommendations — in some cases dramatically below,” he said.

Hawley said “for sure” he would press Jackson about this part of her judicial record and that “all the offices” of Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee have been in touch on the issue.

Hawley said the 10 cases are from Jackson’s tenure on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia from 2013 to 2021, adding that they make a substantial portion of her sentencing workload over those years.

“She’s had about, I think, 100 cases that went to trial and then to sentencing out of her 500 or so and then about 10 of them were child porn cases,” he said. “Given her total number of cases there’s actually quite a few of these.

“The pattern is pretty distinct and pretty troubling and you couple that with her views on the sentencing commission and getting rid of the existing mandatory-minimum for child porn and then what she’s written in law school, where she said sex offender registries may be unconstitutional, that our sex offender laws were written in a climate of fear and revenge,” he said.

Of course, most of the mainstream media hasn’t been covering this story.

This means that most people likely don’t know Jackson’s true record.

So when the hearings begin on live television next week, the public might be shocked to find out how extreme Jackson’s record appears to be.

If outrage grows, could Jackson’s nomination be pulled.

This would be a blow to Democrats.

If Jackson’s nomination is pulled, it would take time for Biden to nominate another one.

The close that the Democrats get to the midterm elections in November, the closer they are to Republicans once against controlling the House and Senate.

This means that Democrats will try to push through a Supreme Court nominee simply to fill the chair.

But if these child porn and child sexual predator cases prove that Jackson doesn’t have the judicial temperament to sit on the High Court, this could be a devastating blow to Democrats.

Don’t forget, Biden’s most recent nominee was WITHDRAWN.

Could Jackson be next?

The New Yorker confirms Biden’s most recent nomination was rescinded:

On Tuesday, in the face of what she described as “relentless attacks by special interests” who oppose her frank acknowledgment that climate change could pose a threat to economic stability, Sarah Bloom Raskin submitted a letter to President Joe Biden withdrawing as his nominee to become the vice-chair for supervision of the Federal Reserve Board. For weeks, Raskin noted, the Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee “held hostage” not only her nomination but those of Biden’s four other picks to run the Fed, including the reappointment of its chair, Jerome Powell.

In commentary last September, Bloom Raskin suggested that regulators should “ask themselves how their existing instruments can be used to incentivize a rapid, orderly, and just transition away from high-emission and biodiversity-destroying investments.” She was merely echoing the position taken by top central bankers and economists all over the world. But her expressed hope of encouraging a potential transition to cleaner energy triggered a backlash from America’s powerful oil, gas, and coal industries. Her withdrawal will likely enable the Senate’s confirmation of the rest of Biden’s slate of nominees to the Fed, at a time of roaring inflation and mounting perils abroad. But it dooms the most powerful central bank in the world to a state of willful blindness regarding the looming chaos that scientists predict climate change will unleash.

Bloom Raskin’s fate was sealed on Monday, when Joe Manchin, the Democratic senator from West Virginia, signalled that he would oppose her confirmation because she “failed to satisfactorily address my concerns about the critical importance of financing an all-of-the-above energy policy to meet our nation’s critical energy needs.” Manchin’s family fortune is largely derived from coal, and he has taken more money from fossil-fuel interests than any other senator during the current cycle. Every Republican member of the Senate Banking Committee has also taken money from fossil-fuel interests, cumulatively accepting more than eight million dollars during their political careers from the producers of the carbon emissions that are helping to cause climate change. Given Democrats’ single-vote advantage in the Senate, Manchin’s opposition has all but killed the Bloom Raskin nomination, relegating her to having to find a Republican vote, which seemed especially unlikely after Susan Collins, of Maine, also signalled her opposition on Monday.

So what do you think about Brown?

Do you agree or disagree with her judgments in these cases?

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The mainstream media isn’t giving this the coverage it deserves.

This is a Supreme Court nominee.

Don’t you think the public deserves the chance to know who she really is?

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