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Ottawa Police Chief: “We Will Be Going After Protestors for MONTHS To Come! Financial Sanctions and Prison!”


This is bone-chilling…

The Ottawa Police Chief just gave a press-conference that was essentially a declaration of war on freedom, liberty and peaceful protest.

Among many horrific things, he said he plans to “go after” the peaceful protestors for “months to come” and that they’ll be seeking financial sanctions and prison time.


For a lawful, peaceful protest?

Remind you of anything? (Jan. 6 witchhunt perhaps?)

Folks, this truly is the last stand and the world is watching in realtime as Canada and its dictatorship falls.

Watch it right here on Rumble:

Here is a backup on Twitter, at least until it’s taken down:

Here is more from the Westphalian Times:

In a press conference on Saturday, interim chief of Ottawa Police Steve Bell said law enforcement would go after individuals present at the peaceful freedom convoy protest in Ottawa for “months to come”.

Bell admitted police forces are collecting intelligence through police body cams. The intelligence will later be used to identify and track down the protestors and impose “financial sanctions and criminal charges”.

“If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges. Absolutely”, Bell said.

Bell was also asked about false claims by the Ottawa police that a bike was thrown at police horses. Video and photographic evidence from the scene clearly shows a woman in a mobility scooter being trampled by cavalry police.

Bell refused to elaborate, but suggested the image could be “photoshopped”, adding that there was a lot of disinformation regarding the protest, and that is why the Ottawa Police has been actively posting updates on social media.

A number of those updates contradicted direct evidence from on-the-ground journalists. For example, the Ottawa police claimed no gas was used on protestors, but video and photo evidence shows them using gas.

Police in Ottawa have also injured an independent journalist by deploying a gas canister at point-blank on her leg.

I think this was extremely well put:

Bitcoin anyone?



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