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Biden Vows to Have Zero Electricity Emissions… by 2020…


Nobody makes as many false promises as Joe Biden.

Unfortunately, Biden’s latest false promise made absolutely no sense, even by his own standards.

On Tuesday, Biden gave a speech about his administration’s response to Hurricane Ida, during which he made the promise that America would have zero electricity emissions by 2020…

Either Biden has a time machine, or he left the last remnants of what used to be his brain back sometime before 2020.

I think we all know the answer to that one…

Sean Hannity covered Biden’s latest mental blunder on

President Biden confused countless Americans this week when he told a crowd that the United States will move to “make sure all our electricity is zero emissions” by the year 2020.

“We are determined we are going to deal with climate change and have zero emissions, net emissions by 2050, by 2020 make sure all our electricity is zero emissions. We’re going to be able to do these things, but we’ve got to move!” said Biden.

“We’ve got to move! We’ve got to move the rest of the world. It’s not just the United States of America,” he added.

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If you were focused on how stupid Biden’s 2020 comment was, you may have missed that he also plans on getting half of earth’s electricity from the sun in 2050.

This task would involve doubling the amount of solar energy produced every year over the course of the next four years according to the Energy Department.

The New York Times with more on that promise:

The Biden administration on Wednesday released a plan to produce almost half of the nation’s electricity from the sun by 2050 as part of its effort to combat climate change.

Solar energy provided less than 4 percent of the country’s electricity last year, and the administration’s target of 45 percent would represent a huge leap and will most likely take a fundamental reshaping of the energy industry. In a new report, the Energy Department said the country needed to double the amount of solar energy installed every year over the next four years compared with last year. And then it will need to double annual installations again by 2030.

Adding that many solar panels, on rooftops and on open ground, will not be easy. In February, a division of the Energy Department projected that the share of electricity produced by all renewable sources, including solar, wind and hydroelectric dams, would reach 42 percent by 2050 based on current trends and policies.

The new department blueprint is in line with what most climate scientists say is needed. Those experts say that reducing net emissions of greenhouse gases to zero by 2050 is essential to limiting the worst effects of global warming — and much greater use of renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines will be needed to achieve that goal.

But administration officials have provided only a broad outline for how they hope to get there. Many of the details will ultimately be decided by lawmakers in Congress, which is working on a bipartisan infrastructure bill and a much larger Democratic measure that could authorize $3.5 trillion in federal spending.

One thing going for the administration is that the cost of solar panels has fallen substantially over the last decade, making them the cheapest source of energy in many parts of the country. The use of solar and wind energy has also grown much faster in recent years than most government and independent analysts had predicted.

“One of the things we’re hoping that people see and take from this report is that it is affordable to decarbonize the grid,” said Becca Jones-Albertus, director of the Solar Energy Technology Office in the Energy Department. “The grid will remain reliable. We just need to build.”

The administration is making the case that the United States needs to act quickly because not doing anything to reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels also has significant costs, particularly from extreme weather linked to climate change. In a Tuesday visit to inspect damage from the intense rainfall caused by the remnants of Hurricane Ida in New Jersey and New York, President Biden said, “The nation and the world are in peril.”




let’s hope he’s thought through that 2050 goal more than the 2020 one…


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