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Devin Nunes: We Now Have Clear Evidence The FBI Was Lying….This Is Really, Really Bad

New text messages showcase a compromised state agency, if they were lying about this, then what else are they lying about?


The cat is out of the bag……

The F.B.I. has been LYING to the entire country and Congress about the “Russian collusion” hoax they cooked up and have been peddling for 4 years now. 

They unfairly targeted and incriminated innocent men like Carter Page, and George Papadopoulos, and made their lives a living HELL for YEARS, all while dragging their names through the mud.

 Now these new text messages that the F.B.I. deliberately hid from investigators for years, showcase the extreme corruption. 

It makes me wonder, if they did this and hid it for years, what else are they hiding from us? What else are they lying about? 

A cover-up of MASSIVE election fraud perhaps? 

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The F.B.I. is a runaway deep-state agency that has its own agenda, they aren’t beholden to Congress, and they certainly don’t tell any of us the truth, how can we trust them to do the right thing?

Short answer is: 

We can’t. 

Comey, Stzork, and yes….Loretta Lynch should all be in jail right now. 

Here is the latest on the massive F.B.I. corruption:



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